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Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

There are three entry points for students arriving at school by means other than school buses.

  1. Lower level (A-level) lot: door closest to Bailey Middle School. Park car in a parking spot and walk student to the door. 
  2. Health Office Door: left lot on main level, first door. Park car in a parking spot and walk student to the door.
  3. Main entrance: after buses have pulled away. Students exit car on passenger side independently. Driver remains in car.  Only students who can exit the car without adult help should be dropped off in the front.

Please drive carefully in and around school parking lots! Park only in designated parking spots. Your patience is appreciated!

Reminder: A student who arrives after 8:55 AM is tardy and needs to be signed in at the front door by an adult.

Note that due to construction at Dietz, alternate routes for walking need to be planned.